In India Nursing Courses is being regulated by Indian Nursing Council (INC) and conducted by State Nursing Council and Health Universities of various States.

Course Overview
- It is a Diploma program.
- The purpose of General Nursing Program is to prepare a general nurse, who will function as a member of the health team beginning with competencies, for first level position in both hospital and community.
- The Program is geared to the health needs of the country, community and individual which will serve as a basis for advanced study and specialization in nursing. It will assist nurses in their personal and professional developments, so that they may make their maximum contribution to the society, as individuals, citizens and nurses.
- This is a three years course approved by the Govt. of Gujarat, Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi and is affiliated to Gujarat Nursing Council, Ahmedabad.
Admission Procedure for GNM
- The admission process is mainly depends on the entrance exam carried out by the respective authority. The candidates are allotted to different colleges according to their score in the entrance test.
More Details
- 75% students are admitted through government admission committee.
- 25% student are selected by college in management Quota.
- Duration of the course shall be four completed years including internship of 27 weeks.
- Fee is structure as per the rules and regulations by fee regulation committee governed by government of Gujarat.
Rules & Regulation of Admission
- Once admission is confirmed through admission committee or management quota student have to submit their admission order, two set Xerox copy of credentials and address proof.
- As student reported from admission committee to the college student need to go through fees structure of institute should be paid within one day else reporting will not be considered.
- After paying fees student need to get receipt of hostel & mess fees then only candidate will be permitted to stay in hostel.
- Every student who wants to take admission must fill the government admission form & should have cleared 12th standard in past 3 years.
- If candidate have taken admission through management quota neither their admission will cancelled nor their fees will be refunded.
- Candidate who wants to take admission must submit their original document as they pay the fees & they are no allowed to go in admission & reshuffling process.
- Management quota candidate will be taken to admission committee by institute on decided date on this date all management quota candidate must present or else that admission will not be considered & institute will be liable refund any paid fees.
- Student who wants to go in reshuffling process, he/she will allowed only once & have to take permission from director.
- Installment of fees should be paid as per institution policy any student who failed to do so in terms of punishment will not be allowed to sit in in the class.
- Before academic year starts everyone should submit medical fitness form MD/MS.